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Ochratoxin A Quantitative Rapid Test Kit


Samples:Grains and feed

Product introduction

Ochratoxin A (OTA) is a toxic metabolite produced by Aspergillus flavus and Penicillium genera. Ochratoxin A has a strong liver and kidney toxicity, and has teratogenic, mutagenic, and carcinogenic.

OTA was considered to be the second important and harmful mycotoxin in the family following with Aflatoxin flavus. As the OTA producing fungi exist widely in nature, especially higher yield in cereals and cereals products, coffee, cocoa contaminated with OTA, it has been potential threat for human health and development of animal husbandry.

Intended Use

The kit is a lateral flow immunochromatographic assay that determines a quantitative level for the presence of Ochratoxin A and is intended for use in grains, feed materials and feed products. This method is suitable for the rapid on-site test.

Ordering Information

Catalog No.SensitivityLODDetection Samples



Grain: 5ppb  

Feed: 25ppb

Grains and feed

*Customized products available. Please consult your sales representative for detailed information.

1. Store test kits at 2-8˚C when not in use, and do not use the kits beyond the expiration date. 2. Remove microwell sealer slightly to prevent the powder from being released from the wells. 3.Avoid direct sunlight and direct blows during testing. 4. Do not re-use pipette tips, test strips or microwells. 5. The pH value of the extract solution of corn germ meal, sprayed corn husk, corn gluten meal and some finished feed less than 5, i.e. pH<5, please adjust the pH value to 6.0-8.0 with 2.0mol/L NaOH solution, then dilute, mix, and test.
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